Eye of the Beholder or the Media?

As a Mass Communications major in college, I am still blown away by the social implications of mass media, which also includes the Internet.  How we see ourselves and others — is it geared by our own heart or the influence of the media / social norms?

Anyway, this comes up as my best friend, who is a slimming (weight loss) expert and author, and I got into another round of debates about what it means to be overweight, or even what it means to be overly concerned (obsessed?) with losing weight.

The media shows us that if you are not tall, slender and almost anorexic, then you are not beautiful.  We know that is faulty, yet we all yearn to look like these stick figures!  Some of them look unhealthy to me, and as I age gracefully and peacefully, I notice how much I enjoy my more curvaceous womanly body. 

Sure, I could easily lose 10 pounds to lose some of my belly (which five 8 lb. + babies popped out of, stretching it real good!), and maybe even a little extra on the thighs, but to be perfectly honest, it feels like more cushion to hold my children in, more to look at!

And am I ever good to look at!!  LOL  ;-))

Same with wrinkles, gray hair, etc.  All this fear about aging and, oh my God… actually looking your age!  My cousin thought she was complementing me when I posted on Facebook that I’m soon to turn 44, and how 4 is my favorite # — she says, “Oh my!  You can’t be THAT old, you sure don’t look it!”   So, what is 44 supposed to look like?!  Old and droopy?!

Botox has made so much $$ on woman’s vanity and inability to accept themselves.  Don’t get me wrong, I do purchase wrinkle free moisturizers (when I can afford it), and who knows, maybe one day I will sit under the knife, though I highly doubt it.

I henna my hair, as I did in college.  I love it, it is all natural, straight from God and brightens and conditions my hair with no peroxide!  Would I color the gray if I didn’t have my dear henna?  Probably…

It’s not about trying to lose weight, be wrinkle or gray free, as much as it is about accepting who we are as we age, even if we don’t match the so-called beauty on the TV set.  Anyway, beauty is skin-deep.  The real beauty is something that radiates from the inside out.

That being said — age well, age in peace, and age is all in the mind anyway!  I’m going to play hopscotch with my daughter now.

“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.  Relax.  All is well!”

To judge, or not to judge — that is the question!

** Mosaic done by my best friend, Anges de Lumiere **


Hello my friend,

To judge or not to judge, that is my question today.  Actually, it’s been a pondering question for many decades now, and today I feel like answering it from one (of many) angles.

Recently, I ran into a lot of things that people did in my intimate circle that I did not like, and was ready to drop them out of my (our) life.  It’s because I judged the way they acted as being less than the treatment that I deserve from them.

So do I think I’m someone special.  Yes, I do.

Don’t we all?

Maybe it’s because I’ve dealt with so much abuse, from my dad to my ex-husband, that I refuse to ever deal with anyone who treats me less than, what I consider to be, loving and kind.

So how can I judge others, and expect their behavior to be exemplary, when mine isn’t?!

Am I really dropping them or running away from them?  Maybe I’m seeing a reflection of me that I don’t want to see.   Or maybe I’m seeing that my expectations are way too high, and that none of us are perfect.

So, I’ve kept on with all of my relationships despite myself, and since then, they have all filled me up with love, sweetness, tenderness and generosity.

Maybe it was a bad week or two.  Or maybe it was letting go of my judgments of the way they treated me and just getting real that made all the difference.

As I write this, I smell this delicious incense that was given to me freely, as a generous gift, from one of the people I got frustrated with.

Life is so beautiful, and we are all so beautiful.  We don’t always act beautiful, and that is OK.  Bottom line is, let’s stop judging, holding on to grudges, and smell that fragrant incense of love!

Have a magnificent weekend, and God bless you,

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.  Relax.  All is well!” 

My 11-year old daughter Ocean’s poem: “What does it mean to be strong?”

Does it mean to admit your wrong,
or to always be right?

To look out for others,
or have excellent sight?

To be able to lift weights,
or have a few play dates?

To fit in the crowd,
or to be protective and proud?

To have power like a king,
or to always know the right thing?

All of the things are strength on the list,
whether you have muscles on you’re wrist,
or have strength in you’re heart.

The problem with people that starts most wars,
is they can’t tell strength and strength

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

Attitude of Gratitude

OK, so our first Abundance discussion was about focusing on the positive, seeing your blessings and enjoying them, sharing them.

Now, we can focus on gratitude. 

What are you grateful for today?  Right now?

Let’s start with our life’s breath. 

How about the computer we are sitting in front of that allows us to read this blog, communicate with our friends and family, purchase the items we want with a point and a click, google anything we need to find, etc., etc.

Is the sun out?  Yes?  Let’s be grateful for the beautiful day of warm rays.

Raining?  Yes?  Let’s be grateful for the shelter protecting us and keeping us dry.

How about a friend or family member who has helped us in numerous ways.  Have you thanked them lately?

So, when move our focus to our blessings, and acknowledge them with sincere gratitude, the attitude of gratitude will take us higher and allow for the abundant flow to move through us!

I’m grateful for you coming by to read my blog.  Thank you!!

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

Abundance is YOURS!

Worried about stuff, lots of stuff?

Like your job, or lack of one?  Or maybe overall financial concerns, how to make ends meet?

First step toward abundance is to allow for abundance.  Well, who wouldn’t allow for such, you ask?

In lay man’s terms, if we put our energy and emotions into a negative depleting arena, then there really is no room for Divine intervention, which is where abundance lives and where it patiently waits.

It’s actually true.

And a pretty simple concept.

Instead of focusing on all that you DON’T have, try to do a turn-around and focus on all that you DO have.

With gratitude and a change of attitude, anything is possible…!!

Give up the sense of lack, doom, jealousy, envy, etc.  All those downer emotions, the ones that weigh you down.  Time to rise!

Listen to the birds singing to you, enjoy the sun warming your body and soul, cuddle up in your cozy bed with a good book, feel and share the love of family and friends, etc.

You can’t control circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them, and your focus on the doom or on the ZOOM!

Try it, you’ll like it.

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

“See you in Heaven”

me and mom


UPDATE:  my mother passed away peacefully on June 4th, 2012.  This blog describes my last encounter with her in human form, though she has visited me several times since, taking the form of a hummingbird, my favorite bird.


My dear mother has had a debilitation disease for almost 2 decades now, and it is finally at the end of its cycle, taking all of her physical abilities and almost all of her mental capacities.

My Aunt called me to let me know that she is at the end of her life line, and it may be a good thing to visit with her, before she transitions from this life.

My mom is in a nursing home in New Jersey, across the country from my home in Los Angeles.  Due to the fact that I’m a single mom with 5 children, I knew that it was going to take a lot of faith and Divine manifestation to get over there for a visit.

After a week or so, once I let go of the frustration and anxiety, and let God, I received the $$ from family for the round-trip flight, and a few good friends volunteered to care for my precious children while I was away.

So I was off.

Haven’t seen my mom in 3 years, and was choked up inside and out when I first saw her in her current condition.  Even with the preparation from my family, I was not ready to see my mom in a body that no longer works for her.  I was not ready to see how she aged in every way, shape and form, and had very little spark or hope in her eyes, which was closed most of the time.

I tried to converse with her about many things, including updates of her grandchildren and me, and it felt like I was speaking to a brick wall.  It was frustrating, at first.  Then I lightened up, and was just with her.  Holding her hand, hugging her, loving her.

We took a stroll (in her wheelchair) in the nursing home’s garden, where we heard birds sing and saw many lovely plants and trees.  She hasn’t felt sun or fresh air in a long time, and I could feel her spirits lift.  Even asked her questions about our surroundings, and she answered in one syllable answers, letting me know she was present.

My last day with her, ran into a musician who was on her way to put on a performance for the residents.  Asked my mom if she wanted to hear some music, and she enthusiastically (very rare) nodded her head yes.  So we went, and she moved in spirit to the rhythm, and her eyes were opened more than ever.  I even danced with her arms, and sang to her (even though she has always told me that she did not like to hear me sing, I didn’t care!).

The most special thing was all the smiles I received from her, which my Aunt told me was rare, and very special.  Indeed.

After the concert (well, sort of), I painted her nails with a lovely rose color, washed her crusty face and brushed her beautiful silver gray hair.  When I left, she actually looked much better!

Had a few minutes alone with her before I departed, and I thanked her for being such a loving supportive mother.  I surrounded her with love and light, and massaged her body with healing energy, and then informed her that:

“I will see you again in Heaven.  Just let go and let God.  You are in good hands, and greatly loved.”

Hugged her one more time, kissed her on the lips… and left her in peace.

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

I Am More

I Am More
by Willam Arthur Ward

I am more than happy; I am joyful.
I am more than healthy; I am whole.
I am more than alive; I am radiant.
I am more than successful; I am FREE!
I am more than caring; I am loving.
I am more than tranquil; I am peaceful.
I am more than interested; I am triumphant.
I am more than fortunate; I am prosperous.
I am more than human; I am a child of God.

Be more today than you were yesterday.  Always look at your glass as half full, and keep filling it with more, more, more…

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

Manifesting Anything

Long before “The Secret” became a hit movie, showing people how we are really the Creators of our own destiny and desires, this truth has been in place since the beginning of time, or even before that!

Tapping into Divine abundance has led me to a place of sincere gratitude with an overwhelming need to share, to give.

And so it is.  We put our intention there as to what it is we want to manifest, we see it, we believe it.  Just like in the movie.

What was missing in “The Secret” is the sealing, the accelerator of manifestation.  I’ve found first hand that the more gratitude we have AND the more we give back, the more abundance flows.

It’s not an Einstein formula!  It’s a real working magic.

‘Cause in Heaven, there is no recession…!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

Things aren’t what they seem…

Here I am… believing and stating that I am open, flexible and able to see all perspectives…  I am spiritually astute, able and willing to embrace All.

Well, it’s true.  I guess.  To a certain degree.  Who am I comparing myself to, anyway?!

This week had gone from one offense, due to believing that I know better than they, to one assumption that someone would be a certain way ’cause of past experience, to a limited fear (which also caused offense) that was holding me back from helping someone else in need.

WOW!  I’ve been humbled, and am grateful to see that without my limitations, I’d have no way to excel, to fly, to reach new heights!

Time to fly!!

Have a great weekend, my friend.

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

God is Love, regardless of what God we worship.

I’ve turned away from the dogma and rigidness of “religion” for most of my life, taking the spiritual path.

Now, with a tribe of 5 children, we attend a metaphysical church called Unity, which suits us well.  It takes the Bible as a metaphysical journey of learning (as opposed to getting stuck on each word and verse as the ONLY truth), and presents Jesus as the Christ Consciousness, and how each and every one of us can embrace and live as Jesus did, with the same loving consciousness and being-ness.

What I am working on myself is my assaultive negative reaction to Christians, whom I’ve dealt with all my life, shoving Jesus down my throat as the ONLY way to God and Heaven.

And they totally and thoroughly believe that their religion, their understanding of such, is the end all and be all.  Period.

Well, I believe that Jesus is probably very sad to see His followers using Him to do the opposite of love, to promote favoritism (if you don’t believe what we do, you are going to hell), judgment, and total closed-mindedness.

For me, I’ve been trying for ages to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, minus the religious fervor around Him.  This is a goal for me, as it is not His fault.

My faith is so real and so profound, that it amazes me that my Christian friends believe that something is missing in my life, that I don’t know the “truth”, that I need Jesus to be OK.

I am more than OK, I am Divinely inspired and thoroughly blessed.  My spiritual path and relationship with God provides me with so much strength, love and bliss.

So, how can they see me, and who I am, and believe that I’m going to hell, or that I am “off base”?

This has come up even stronger for me now, as a very close friend just “found Jesus” again (brought up Christian, then explored other avenues, and is now back) and I am having a real difficult time dealing with this reality.  She’s not trying to convert me, but believes, as stated above, that I need Jesus to be OK, and that I’m going to hell otherwise.

A very good friend of mine wisely told me to just say, “Well, you may be right”.  That may work for an acquaintance, but not for a close friend.  I need to align myself with others who are on the path of LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY of all living beings, of all of God’s creation.

Any advice? 

Please let me know how I can love those who do not love in the name of Jesus?!

Thank you, and God bless you,

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso