“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” – Gandhi

Dear Friend,

Let’s take Gandhi’s insightful quote a step further.

Of course, we’ve all heard of “what goes around comes around” or “what you sow is what you reap” or just good ol’ karma.  Yes?

So we know that revenge only hurts us in the long run.  By interacting with hurt through retaliation, we are, in fact hurting ourselves.

With my own past experience, and with so many others around me, we have A LOT of reasons to feel anger, to feel justified and to get revenge.

However, the law of karma goes like this:  since you want a beautiful peaceful blissed life, you want to offer such to others, even if it seems to you at the moment that they do not deserve it.

Let me take it from another perspective.  You get in a disagreement with a friend, spouse, relative.  Instead of the usual reaction, take a step back and enter into reflection.  Breathe. 

Allow yourself to see from the other person’s eyes how you may have been responsible, to whatever degree, for the disagreement, even if you disagree!  LOL

Then remember your love for this person.  Feel compassion and mercy.  Remember a time when you weren’t so nice to whomever for whatever reason.

After the reflection, and the compassion, return to your friend, spouse, relative and apologize for anything you may have done to upset them

Then share your perspective, as well — what hurt you.  No accusation, just explanation.

Try it, you’ll like it.  It really works to bring peace into relationships we care about, instead of going into anger, denial, rage, self-pity, etc., etc.!

NOW, this is the most challenging part — we also deal with perpetrators who are not close to us, strangers who hurt us.  What do we do then?

Of course, if necessary and possible, take legal action, or anything required of this world to protect you.  And then… ready for this ~ bless them

Yes, you heard me.  Send them love, light and prayers, hoping and believing that they will find a better way to live their life.

Bless your friends and your enemies, and you, my friend, will be BLESSED!!

Love you,

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“I was blind, but now I see ~ hence the name, Lady Clarity”. 