Entries by Wendy Sue Noah

Interview with the director of the LIGHT documentary, Peter-Arthur Straubinger

I am honored to introduce my client and good friend, Peter-Arthur Straubinger, the director of “In the Beginning There Was Light”, or for simplicity’s sake, the Light documentary, a mind expansive film, or as IMDB.com declared, “Mindblowing!” about “breatharianism.” What is that, exactly? Let me give you a brief synopsis. Breatharianism or “living on light” […]

The Serendipitous Summer of ’13

Welcome to my new blog space! And what a space it is ~ stay tuned and subscribe, I promise to entertain and enlighten you. I’ve just completed a whirlwind of a summer with my tribe of 5 home for 2 1/2 months. There was 7 weeks of camp, which provided some sense of normality, but, […]

“Walk The Talk”, my blog article

Hello and welcome to my new blog space! I am honored to be a contributor to “Mothering In The Middle”, and have my first blog posted today, called “Walk The Talk”, something I try hard to do, at: http://www.motheringinthemiddle.com/?p=4319 Please give it a read, and share with me your thoughts, opinions, ideas, inspirations, whatever!  Right […]

What 2013 Means to YOU!

It’s a New Year — YIPPEE! I love new starts, new perspectives, new adventures… How about you? ‘Cause 2013 is not only a new year, but a new age, a new time for our planet’s history… What does that mean, you ask?  Well, can’t you feel the energetic shift, the change all around us?!  It’s […]

The Natural Law of Abundance for All

  It’s pervasive, I can feel it in the air, this heavy energy of “not enough-ness” that is all around me.  It’s the opposite of what I know to be true, which is that there is plenty of abundance for all, and that it is as real as the wind blowing through my red curly […]