Entries by Wendy Sue Noah

To be in this world, but not of this world

It’s so interesting. Even after miraculous proof that God has brought me and my children out of homelessness and deep despair, our friends and church members insist that I need a man, or Super Nanny, in order to be OK. I am OK, actually, I’m better than OK!  I am that I am.  And I […]

A Gratitude Blessing

BE THANKFUL (author unknown) Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.  If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times.  During those times you grow. Be thankful for your […]

Symptoms of Inner Peace

This came to me from our Unity Church and has helped me see where the “peace” is missing, or where it is blossoming.   For me – #8 and #12 are ones that has become an integral part of my being-ness, and has brought me tremendous inner peace and joy.  Yet, #5 and #7 are still a challenge for […]

A giver or a true giver?

Hey you. Yes, you.  I’m talking to YOU. We all like to give to a certain extent, as it makes us feel good, and we hope we will receive in return.  Yin and Yang.  Give and Take.  Love and hate. Life is a trip, and we can either let the wind blow us from here […]

What You Give Returns Ten Fold

I am thoroughly getting the concept “what goes around comes around”. “What you sow is what you reap” or just plain “Karma”! The more I remain open, in mind and heart, the more comes my way. The less I stress about whatever, the more abundance I am blessed with. It’s because of all our worries […]