God is Love, regardless of what God we worship.

I’ve turned away from the dogma and rigidness of “religion” for most of my life, taking the spiritual path.

Now, with a tribe of 5 children, we attend a metaphysical church called Unity, which suits us well.  It takes the Bible as a metaphysical journey of learning (as opposed to getting stuck on each word and verse as the ONLY truth), and presents Jesus as the Christ Consciousness, and how each and every one of us can embrace and live as Jesus did, with the same loving consciousness and being-ness.

What I am working on myself is my assaultive negative reaction to Christians, whom I’ve dealt with all my life, shoving Jesus down my throat as the ONLY way to God and Heaven.

And they totally and thoroughly believe that their religion, their understanding of such, is the end all and be all.  Period.

Well, I believe that Jesus is probably very sad to see His followers using Him to do the opposite of love, to promote favoritism (if you don’t believe what we do, you are going to hell), judgment, and total closed-mindedness.

For me, I’ve been trying for ages to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, minus the religious fervor around Him.  This is a goal for me, as it is not His fault.

My faith is so real and so profound, that it amazes me that my Christian friends believe that something is missing in my life, that I don’t know the “truth”, that I need Jesus to be OK.

I am more than OK, I am Divinely inspired and thoroughly blessed.  My spiritual path and relationship with God provides me with so much strength, love and bliss.

So, how can they see me, and who I am, and believe that I’m going to hell, or that I am “off base”?

This has come up even stronger for me now, as a very close friend just “found Jesus” again (brought up Christian, then explored other avenues, and is now back) and I am having a real difficult time dealing with this reality.  She’s not trying to convert me, but believes, as stated above, that I need Jesus to be OK, and that I’m going to hell otherwise.

A very good friend of mine wisely told me to just say, “Well, you may be right”.  That may work for an acquaintance, but not for a close friend.  I need to align myself with others who are on the path of LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY of all living beings, of all of God’s creation.

Any advice? 

Please let me know how I can love those who do not love in the name of Jesus?!

Thank you, and God bless you,

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

  1. Anges de Lumiere
    Anges de Lumiere says:

    Do what Jesus would have done: love her anyway. Don’t try to fight her. Let her be. Resistance is just an indication that there is still a bit of work for you to do around Christianity…