The Yin-Yang of Receiving-Giving, as real as gravity!

My dear friend,

I AM honored to share my article in April 2015’s edition of the much loved Los Angeles “Whole Person” Magazine, which offers monthly tools and events for readers to excavate, elevate, illuminate & LOVE!

A great synchronicity here is that one of my clients, Malcom Carter, is producing an indie documentary on Nassim Haramein, that handsome brilliant man on the cover, called “The Connected Universe“!

Enjoy and celebrate the Yin-Yang of Receiving-Giving!  I welcome and encourage and and all comments and feedback here.  Thank you for YOU!


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3 replies
  1. Ange
    Ange says:

    I agree with you that receiving gracefully is much harder than giving. And funnily enough, as a serial giver (that’s how I have come to call myself) I have been put in the position of receiver. One could see this as punishment when you have been rich and shared but I came to understand that I needed to allow life to give me. My energy was unbalanced. I didn’t know how to receive. Great lesson, and well done you for doing the formidable act of walking through all this with grace. Love to you and your tribe, always, Ange xoxo

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. […] Whatever the story is, when there are expectations and demands made on either the giver or the receiver. In that case, the exchange is no longer a heart-to-heart blessing. It becomes a pawn in the never ending game of chess that we call life. I’ve recently published an article on the “Yin Yang of Receiving Giving” that addresses this very concept: […]

  2. […] I find the more I reach out, the more blessings return. I call it the Yin Yang of Receiving Giving, and it works just like gravity! It’s a Divine law in place for our benefit. Please feel free to read my article on it at: […]

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