
How To Make Sense & Make Peace With Today’s World

Help! This planet is spinning out of control…

So what is happening here? It’s becoming crazier and truly insane out there.

Unfortunately, this does not shock me, though it hurts me in a deep way, especially with a tribe of five to raise in this chaotic unsafe environment.

We are looking at shifts of energy all around us. For example, look at all the hatred and racism spitting out of the Republican Presidential candidate, as if we are a part of a rated B reality show when it comes to voting in the leader of the Free World. WHAT?!

Then look at Orlando, and the way Baptists actually protested at one of the victim’s funeral?! And the killer was born and raised in a Christian nation, as a New Yorker, so he felt great shame for having gay tendencies. I’ve met so many gay people who hated themselves because of religious doctrine and non-acceptance.

Just to reveal how deep this goes, I posted an article about how the Pope suggested that Catholics apologize for the way they treat gays (after Orlando, of course), and one Christian woman posted that she will not do so, as the Bible states that it is an abomination, so therefore, there is no questioning a book that is 2 K years old with many humans editing it over the years. My response was if Jesus came back and said the same thing, to love one another, including gays, she would still defend the bible. Tunnel vision has led us here, my friend!

Now we have a Rodney King level of chaos around us, and it is all wrong. It all effing sucks! No one should be killed, ever. Guns are everywhere and we are in danger as a nation, as a planet.

This is where my faith comes in, once again. It led me out of Skid Row with my tribe of five when their father threw me out on the street, to now. I know there is a Higher Source of Love. Some call this Source, God. But unfortunately, the name God has too much baggage. So for me, the Higher Source is LOVE. We need to pray, to love, and to let go of our own prejudices and anything that stands in the way of loving our human family, regardless of their skin color, their nationality, their religion, their sexual preference, etc. We are all here as a gift from the Source, and we are here to share the Source’s love. Not hate!

It really is in our hands now. As Gandhi states, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


Underneath we are all the same

4 Tips On How To Live Longer With Peace Of Mind & Heart

hanging on love


My favorite part of social media is the fact that we, the people, own it.  With other mass mediums, we were the “con”sumer, sitting back and taking in whatever the media powerhouses had for us.  Today, we are the “pro”sumers, and we can create our own media to share, as well as develop relationships with like-minded people with no geographic limitation.  It is exciting times, indeed.

What holds true for our face-to-face relationships, also holds true in social media.  And so I offer these tips to you for both, but mostly, for you to truly enjoy your life and live longer, healthier, more prosperously.

TIP #1:  Feel genuine happiness for someone who has accomplished something noteworthy. 

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Of course, why not, right?

Here’s a perfect quote to help me make my point here:

Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self-worth.  Each of us has something to give that no one else has.  ~Elizabeth O’Connor

Let me share a recent story with you.  I’m shopping at a local store, and run into a neighborhood friend, let’s call her Susan.  Now Susan met me when I was escaping homelessness with my kids, and I had sent my son to her lovely home day care center for a year.

We hug one another, as always, and she asks me what’s been going on.  Since I had finally published my inspirational memoir eBook, I excitedly share with her this news.  Susan’s mouth dropped, and she straight out exclaims, “Oh my, Wendy.  I can’t believe you published a book while running your own business and raising 5 kids.  I really feel bad now.”

That was NOT the response I had expected, but at least she was honest.  Susan has a lot to be grateful for, as she is working full-time on her home business, raising her two sons and cultivating her relationship with her husband of 20 years.  My point is, that we all have our gifts, we all have our calling, and we all have our accomplishments.

Why then, should my success make her feel bad?  Do you ever experience this type of envy, as well?  If so, then drop it!  Bless the person who is doing notable things, and focus on all the praiseworthy things you are doing, or planning to do!

TIP #2:  Look at bad mistakes made as learning experiences for growth and transformation.

Thank God we are not perfect!  I read a great tweet recently how our imperfections allow us to learn and grow, become better people.  If we were all perfect, then what would be the point?!

Since we can all agree that we are not perfect, then we can all agree that imperfection leads to making errors.  We make mistakes.  Sometimes we can band aid it up for a minute, sometimes we can’t.  Sometimes our choices lead to great challenges.  But the greater the challenge, the more opportunity to grow stronger, more resilient.

OR, we can do what most of us choose to do, and feel REGRET.  What’s the point of that?  Don’t we have enough problems than to add regret to the mix?!

My cousin who read a synopsis of my eBook memoir asked me if I had regret, and if I could go back in time, would I do things differently?  A lot of people live in this mindset of wishing they could join Cher with her song, “If I could turn back time”…

First of all, we can’t.  And even if there was a time machine to do so, would you want to?  I would most definitely not.  As the mistakes I made led me to be the ‘me’ that I am today.  And I’ve made some MAJOR mistakes!

For just today, or for this week, look at your past as tremendous learning’s and if you feel regret, take that debilitating emotion and transform it to how you can now do better in the future.  Then soar forward, my friend!

TIP #3:  Look at your glass as always half full and remain receptive for more blessings.

“My Cup Runneth Over” and it really does, have you noticed?  Just take a minute to think of the blessings all around you.  Start with your health.  If you are reading this, then you are alive, you are breathing.  How about family and friends?  How about a roof over your head, a car to drive in, a delicious dinner to look forward to…

Yet we live in this lack mentality, that our glass is always half empty, and nothing fills us up.  And nothing ever will if we focus on lack instead of the plenty.  We are so blessed beyond measure.  It’s when we feel gratitude for all that we do have, that we will see how our cup is truly runneth over and over again.  Get those paper towels, your cup is spilling!  😉

Try this today, or for the full week.  See abundance, not lack.  And then share it!

TIP #4: Give from the heart just because, without the requirement to receive something back in return.

Again, this sounds so much simpler than it really is to do.  This is not because we are selfish people or that we don’t like to give to others.  No, not at all.  It’s mostly because we are in a culture that lives by this tit for tat mentality. I catch myself doing it, now that I practice mindfulness around this topic.

Imagine this as another Golden Rule ~ it’s as prevalent as gravity.  When you drop a book, it falls.  When you give from the heart, you open yourself up for blessings.  It may not be from the same person you gave to, most likely, it won’t be.  But it will come to you, just surrender any expectations and be aware when it arrives in your lap.

This personal example is funny to me, because it actually makes dollars and sense!  I received an extra $20 bill from a supermarket when I requested for cash back.  As a single mom in tight financial quarters, I almost took it.  But that is not my path, and I know it is not mine.  So I returned it to the stunned cashier and went about my day.

Within the same week, I received a check in the mail from the state of CA for $21!  It was out of the blue, and I still don’t know why it was sent to me.  Check it out, I earned $1 interest, not bad!  My other stories are not so methodical, but I know without doubt, when we give from the heart, the blessings will pour in…

I even started a Facebook group called “The Blessing Exchange” to share our blessings with one another.  Come on by and share and care!

So grateful to you, for your time and friendship.  Please feel free to comment below on your impressions here.

Big hugs to you,

Wendy Sue