The Yin / Yang of Giving / Receiving

When I was younger, I was really needy.

Needy to be accepted, liked, appreciated, wanted.  Know what I’m talking about?

This was because I had not realized who I am.  I AM that I AM.  We are all a part of the same I Am, with unique special gifts and expressions.  We are LOVE.

When I was in my needy stage, I was an obsessive GIVER because giving (favors, money, time) was my way to “buy” others acceptance of me.

Then there came a time in my recent life, where I needed to receive for basic needs like shelter, food ~ for me and my tribe of 5.

It was through this experience that I learned the true Divine nature of giving / receiving as a Yin / Yang cycle of wholeness. 

I call it just that –> the Yin / Yang of Giving / Receiving.  It makes the world go round and opens up to more abundance for ALL.

Deepak Chopra states in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, “There is something that you can do better than anyone else and for every unique expression of that talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs.  When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the SPARK that creates AFFLUENCE.”

With that in mind, I have started a “Blessing Exchange” community on Facebook, where we can safely and lovingly exchange our gifts and blessings, and in the same way, request for gifts and blessings.

Please accept my invitation to join at:

See you there, and thank you for YOU!

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“Hang on tight and pretend it’s a plan.” — Dr. Who