To be in this world, but not of this world

It’s so interesting.

Even after miraculous proof that God has brought me and my children out of homelessness and deep despair, our friends and church members insist that I need a man, or Super Nanny, in order to be OK.

I am OK, actually, I’m better than OK!  I am that I am.  And I trust that God will lead us to what is next, as He has led us to what is here.  Here = Bliss.

Why is it so difficult for people to see that we are blessed? 

In all truth, that they are blessed, too, if only they let go of the “ways things are supposed to be” and let in the way “things can be” with faith and affirmation. 

We need to empty our glass in order for the Blessings to fill it up.  Worry, concern, the ways of this world as the ONLY way — all that fills up our glass to the rim.  No room left.

Let’s let go of the limitations of “how things are supposed to be, or should be” to open up to “the infinite blessings of the Universe”.

Thanks for listening.

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

Life is too short to worry about what’s next.  Enjoy what’s now!