Abundance means to Aggressively BELIEVE!

OK, let’s move into the “B” of ABundance…

In order to thrive, one must truly BELIEVE that they are already thriving, that they will continue to thrive, and that abundance is waiting for their shiny cup to overflow with blessings!

Belief is not just visualization, though it definitely helps the process. 

As does positive affirmations.   Whatever works to get your belief system in gear is a good thing! 

For me, it’s a walk in nature.

When I stroll in my favorite garden, I observe how the rose bud from last week had transcended into a magnificent delicious and intricate flower.  Or I remember my favorite analogy, the caterpillar!  From a hairy worm-like creature, it literally transforms into an illustrious butterfly, adding its beauty and grace to the garden and to our planet.

That is you.  And me.  We can choose to enter into a metamorphosis, if we so choose.

It’s nature’s way to expand, blossom and live in ABundance!  All we have to do is remove our un-stuff (anger, resentment, jealousy, selfishness, hoarding, etc.), so we can flow and grow, and transform leaps and BOUNDS!

It’s right there, can’t you see it?  Feel it?  Touch it?!

Then embrace it and believe your way to an amazing day and to ABundance!!

Love to you,

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“I was blind, but now I see ~ hence the name Lady Clarity”. 
Visit me at http://www.LadyClarity.com