We are soooo blessed!!

Have you ever felt so blessed, so grateful, that tears swell up in your eyes?

I’ve always been blessed, as we all are — but it took me from going to hell and back (literally) to REALIZE how blessed I truly am. 

How many years I spent looking outside of myself for fulfillment, for acceptance.

What a WASTE!

Last night, I was blown away by how magnificent the Universe is when you are in the flow, and allow yourself to let go of the controls.  Their is no recession in Heaven, and the Universe is Abundance in every way, shape and form.

The truth is, we are all in blessing mode, yet one of our human errors is to look at the glass half empty, instead of half full.  So, we are rarely content enough to see how full our glass is really getting, rimming over with more blessings than we know what to do with!

And even with great challenges, they also provide its own kind of blessings.  It’s all about perspective, really. 

I’ve discovered that the more (sincere) gratitude toward others, toward God, the more Abundance.

Wanna join me?!
Picture below called “Feelings” by Larissa Orfanindou, one of my favorites!!

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

I AM fasting from…

To recognize Lent, Unity Church has offered it members its own Spiritual Lent to focus on:

I AM fasting from criticism, and feasting on praise.
I AM fasting from self-pity, and feasting on joy.
I AM fasting from ill-temper, and feasting on peace.
I AM fasting from resentment, and feasting on contentment.
I AM fasting from jealousy, and feasting on love.
I AM fasting from pride, and feasting on humility.
I AM fasting from selfishness, and feasting on service.
I AM fasting from fear, and feasting on faith.

It is so!  AMEN!!

“Dreams Come A Size Too Big So That You Can Grow Into Them.”  Josie Bissett