Challenge as Opportunity

Yes, this reality is very pertinent to us individually, as a family or group, as a nation, and as a planet.

This blog was inspired by Yehuda Berg’s Kabbalah quote this morning:

“Problems are problems because you see them as problems.   
Today, look at your problems as obstacles. 

With obstacles, there’s challenge.  With challenge, there’s purpose. 

With purpose, there’s fulfillment.”

This statement as a reality has really worked for me over the years, and has helped me transcend “good or bad”, “right or wrong”.

Not to say that I don’t see things as such, or judge circumstances in this way ~ it’s just now I am aware that it is just that, judgments.

When we tap into the Universal Flow of the “All That Is”, there really is no black and white, unless we choose to make it so.

And since our thoughts are, in fact, our reality, if we choose to see black, bad, wrong, then so it is, and so is our life.

If we are able to see beyond the color or label, and see that we have an opportunity to grow, prosper and reach a new level of fulfillment, then we can do such!!

OK, this sounds good, but let’s get real.  How can we look at the tragedy in Japan and NOT feel horrible?  My daughter Ocean has ordered ME to stop crying and start praying!  LOL  — by the way, she learned that from me!

And she is correct.  We don’t need added worry, tears, grief, fear here, there’s PLENTY of that to go around ~ Japan needs our love, prayers, hope, faith and whatever help (financial or energetic) we can offer to assist them at this difficult time.

The Earth is changing, just as we are.  Shifting, emerging (love, faith), sinking (fear, doubt) — we are all One, and we all need to keep our vibrations up and lift one another. 

Especially when we look at our so-called problems with gratitude, because we can take this as a stepping stone, a trampoline to jump to what’s next.

Not that I’m a problem seeker, as there are plenty going around — but I’m in a place now where I can feel blessed instead of stressed, to overcome “problems” or challenges, as it is a new opportunity to transform, to grow!

Let’s butterfly together as ONE!!

Love you,

Wendy Sue

“Once upon a choice, I dance to the rhythm of my soul,” Reverend Michael Beckwith