Inspiration Perspiration Exhileration

I am inspired, and more than anything, I am inspired to share my inspiration.

How did I get this way, you ask?

Good question!

Through blood, sweat, tears, and lots of PERSPIRATION!

Through many bad choices, and even some good choices. 

Really, the whole concept of bad and good is just a judgement on our part.  Even the darkest corner has its wisdom and light. 

So, here I am, single mom of 5.  No blood family anywhere nearby (an East coaster, now in sunny CA).  Since my divorce, I’ve been trying to build up a spiritual community for fun and support, with very mixed results.  Ya know, everyone is real busy doing their busy lives and such. 

As am I.

With all this and more challenges, like we all have, how can I feel so inspired, and be an inspiration to others?

Because I realize the TRUTH that we are all Creators of our own reality.  We choose our lives, really really REALLY!

Everyday, I practice the attributes that I want in my life.

I practice gratitude. Of my breath.  Of my health.  Of my children’s health.  Of the warm sun.  Of the spring flowers.  Of the warm coffee to greet me in the morning.  Etc, etc.

I practice compassion toward myself and others.  We are all human, and we all make mistakes.  So let’s get up and have a better day, a better moment.

I practice service.  What does that mean, exactly?  Well, I ask myself, “how can I serve others today, from the heart”?  In other words, how can I help someone, in some way, for no reason except that it will most definitely return back to me!

It’s like a Karma boomerang, and it is a part of Divine law.  To give and receive from the heart = True Abundance.

Read an article from our beloved Oprah this morning, and she calls these special moments a “God Wink”.  I feel God’s winks all the time!

Do you?!

Try the 3 practices above today, and if it feels good, try it tomorrow.  Soon, it just becomes a lifestyle, and life is GOOD!

Hugs to you,

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah