I Am More

I Am More
by Willam Arthur Ward

I am more than happy; I am joyful.
I am more than healthy; I am whole.
I am more than alive; I am radiant.
I am more than successful; I am FREE!
I am more than caring; I am loving.
I am more than tranquil; I am peaceful.
I am more than interested; I am triumphant.
I am more than fortunate; I am prosperous.
I am more than human; I am a child of God.

Be more today than you were yesterday.  Always look at your glass as half full, and keep filling it with more, more, more…

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

Manifesting Anything

Long before “The Secret” became a hit movie, showing people how we are really the Creators of our own destiny and desires, this truth has been in place since the beginning of time, or even before that!

Tapping into Divine abundance has led me to a place of sincere gratitude with an overwhelming need to share, to give.

And so it is.  We put our intention there as to what it is we want to manifest, we see it, we believe it.  Just like in the movie.

What was missing in “The Secret” is the sealing, the accelerator of manifestation.  I’ve found first hand that the more gratitude we have AND the more we give back, the more abundance flows.

It’s not an Einstein formula!  It’s a real working magic.

‘Cause in Heaven, there is no recession…!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

We are soooo blessed!!

Have you ever felt so blessed, so grateful, that tears swell up in your eyes?

I’ve always been blessed, as we all are — but it took me from going to hell and back (literally) to REALIZE how blessed I truly am. 

How many years I spent looking outside of myself for fulfillment, for acceptance.

What a WASTE!

Last night, I was blown away by how magnificent the Universe is when you are in the flow, and allow yourself to let go of the controls.  Their is no recession in Heaven, and the Universe is Abundance in every way, shape and form.

The truth is, we are all in blessing mode, yet one of our human errors is to look at the glass half empty, instead of half full.  So, we are rarely content enough to see how full our glass is really getting, rimming over with more blessings than we know what to do with!

And even with great challenges, they also provide its own kind of blessings.  It’s all about perspective, really. 

I’ve discovered that the more (sincere) gratitude toward others, toward God, the more Abundance.

Wanna join me?!
Picture below called “Feelings” by Larissa Orfanindou, one of my favorites!!

“Everything you can imagine is real.”Pablo Picasso

A Gratitude Blessing

BE THANKFUL (author unknown)

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.  If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.  During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

thankful for your mistakes.  They will teach you valuable lessons.

thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good thingsA life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.  Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings!!

Love you,

Wendy Sue 

Life is too short to worry about what’s next.  Enjoy what’s now!

Kabbalah’s “Survivor Consciousness” = True Prosperity

Hello my friend,

Been reading a truly awesome book called True Prosperity by Yehuda Berg, an internationally renowned expert on the Kabbalah.

After years of dipping into the Kabbalah, with the desire to honor my Jewish roots and my spiritual pull toward mysticism, Yehuda Berg is the first person I have found to be able to put a 4000 year old philosophy into every day terminology that we can understand and embrace.

The chapter I’d like to discuss now is called “Survivor Consciousness”.  It is the first time I’ve been able to actually READ what it is that has given me the strength and Divine power to bring me and my children out of homelessness, to now a lovely 3-bedroom home in a decent neighborhood (and for those of you who are familiar with my recent escapade, including ALL of the tremendous challenges in between!).

Please allow me to quote from True Prosperity

“One of the most powerful tools for achieving true prosperity is survivor consciousness.  This is the state of mind that makes it possible for people to overcome even the most unspeakable of horrors; it’s that hunger for life that you find in survivors of the Holocaust death caps, or the killing fields of Cambodia or Rwanda…

“People who possess survivor consciousness are literally unstoppable.  How many times has Donald Trump gone bankrupt and emerged more successful than before?”

“Survivor consciousness is a state of mind in which you feel as if your life were hanging in the balance, and spiritually speaking it is – for if you stop growing spiritually, you die.”

This makes perfect sense to me and is what I previously called, “NO pain, NO gain”.  Then after much debate and input, I’ve changed my stance to “Transform pain into gain”.

Now I realize (with REAL eyes) that what it’s really about is taking our pain and stress into the Light, to use it as a tool for clarity, to provide us with certainty about the goals that we are determined to reach.

It’s with this “survivor consciousness” that I survived 10 years of horrific domestic violence, and turned what appeared to be a totally hopeless situation into one tremendous blessing after another.

There has been many miracles for me and my children over the last 2 years, and I believe one of the ways we were open to the abundance of the universe was through this consciousness, as well as my unfaltering faith and connection to a Higher Source.

If there is a major problem in your life, don’t avoid it.  Look at it head on and translate it into Light — how can it take you to a higher place?   It’s there to help move you to what’s next, if you so choose.

We all have the ability to tap into this, and we don’t NEED a crisis to activate it.

What can you do today to activate your “survivor consciousness”?

God Bless YOU,

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“A Quitter Never Wins – AND – A Winner Never Quits.” — Napoleon Hill