What 2013 Means to YOU!

It’s a New Year — YIPPEE!

I love new starts, new perspectives, new adventures…

How about you?

‘Cause 2013 is not only a new year, but a new age, a new time for our planet’s history…

What does that mean, you ask? 

Well, can’t you feel the energetic shift, the change all around us?!  It’s the Age of the Aquarius, & the beginning is near!

There is a SHIFT, which starts inside us, and is then revealed on the outside.  This shift includes the letting go of the lack and struggle mode, the self-centered “me” instead of “we” mode.

It’s now time to open up to the Divine Abundance that surrounds all of us, and will continue to bless all of us as we bless one another, as ONE!

Life will always be full of challenges and disappointments; it’s all about how we perceive such, and how we choose to keep ourselves focused on our gifts and the sharing of such.  That is the bottom line NOW.

The question to all of us, then, is what is our Divine Appointment (in our human form) at this time to Humanity?

That is THE question and the way for 2013!

Social Media now brings our world together, and we can use such as a flow of consciousness, as a way to help one another, whether we live next door or across the planet!

Now how cool is that?!!!!!!!!

Wishing you a most spectacular and Abundant New Year!

2013 is here, NO MORE FEAR!!

Love and peace to you,

Wendy Sue

“Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens.
 –  Carl Jung

The Natural Law of Abundance for All


It’s pervasive, I can feel it in the air, this heavy energy of “not enough-ness” that is all around me.  It’s the opposite of what I know to be true, which is that there is plenty of abundance for all, and that it is as real as the wind blowing through my red curly hair, or the birds singing their sweet songs overhead.  

“Why do so many miss it”, I wonder?

From the Chinese restaurant take-out, who was extremely stingy upon providing me with extra soy sauce and hot mustard packets, and then charged me for extra fortune cookies (after I explained that it was a meal for 6 of us).  The food was quite delicious, but I gently explained to my children why that was our last visit there.
Even a gumball machine I treated myself to the other day, where with a quarter, I would usually get a handful of these small square colorful coated gum.  And guess what, only 1 little piece of gum came out!  When this “not enough-ness” effects gumball machines, we know we are in for trouble!  LOL
Then there is social media, which is a TOTAL blessing to us, yet way under-utilized for the purpose of raising the consciousness and the prosperity that naturally occurs when people interact with care, and SHARE!
In other words, we can use this remarkable gift of connection, of global consciousness, to expand our worlds, our perspectives, and to share our gifts with others!  If you like someone’s blog, and it touched you or provided you with useful information, share it, like it, comment on it!
If you are moved by someone’s art work or music, share it and let others enjoy it, too!
The more we share, the more we give, the more we prosper, and the more we transform our lives!  
One of my favorite Authors and Master Teachers, Napoleon Hill, stated such back in the 1960’s:

Give to Get. . .
by Napoleon Hill

Your most preciously valued possessions and your greatest powers are often necessarily invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You and you alone can share them.
The more you share, the more you will have.
Now if you doubt this, you can prove it to yourself by giving: a smile to everyone you meet; a kind word; a pleasant response; appreciation with warmth from the heart; cheer; encouragement; hope; honor, credit, and applause; good thoughts; evidence of love for your fellowmen; happiness; a prayer for the godless and the godly; and time for a worthy cause with eagerness.
If you do experiment by giving any one of the above, you will also prove to yourself what we have found is one of the most difficult principles to teach those who need it most: how to cause desirable actions within yourself. Until you do learn, you will fail to realize that what is left with you when you share it with others will multiply and grow; and what you withhold from others will diminish and decrease. There, share that which is good and desirable and withhold that which is bad and undesirable.
Now that is outstanding advice, and one we can take with us into our everyday lives, on and off the computer.
Please accept my gift of a virtual hug (and if we ever meet in person, a physical one.  I love to hug!).  Look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Professional Opportunities are waiting for YOU!


Hello my friend!This video above is one of me and Martin Scorsese, at a Hollywood party back in 1997, where he was being recognized as the very talented Director that he is (at an AFI event), and I was totally blessed to be a part of the webcast team who put this party on the Internet, AND to be the one to introduce Martin to the Internet, by reading him his fan email and showing him his fan’s web sites in honor of him!How did I land there, you wonder?  Well, two very close friends of mine had a webcast business, and were hired to do this event.  While hanging out with them in their living room, they spontaneously invited me to join them, as they needed additional help in which I had the skills for.  Sure the $$ was small, but the experience was HUGE!
I want to start here to reveal the point of this blog entry, that anything is possible, that spreading your professional (and personal) horizons is really in your hands!  Really!  Really!Let’s look at this dim marketplace, bad economy, etc., etc.  Getting a full-time professional office job is, well, let’s say, outdated… Sure, they are out there, and if that is what YOU really want, then keep knocking at those doors.In the meantime, let’s open up our mind and hearts and venture out of our comfort “what would be perfect” zone when it comes to work (and life).

I’ve come to the place and understanding that there really is a Divine flow in place, and all is well, life is abundant, if we do not place limitations on ourselves!

So, with that in mind, I’m going to present a different kind of scenario for our bleak job market with a simple question.  How many friends do you know that can use some of your assistance in some way, shape, form?

In other words, is there someone you can offer your services to (even if it isn’t what you went to college for), who can offer you something in return.  It may be cash (which we all like).  It may be a little cash and a barter of some sort.  Yes, we need to pay the rent, but are we doing that feeling bad for ourselves knocking on the wrong doors and losing our self-worth and confidence?

So for now, please think of 5 people that you know that you believe you can assist in some way.  Then make contact with them, invite them for a coffee or a walk, and present what it is that you think you can do.

See how they respond, see what doors open up.  Knock, Knock on the doors that may open for you, and then abundance and prosperity start to flow in…

Let me know how it goes!

Love, peace and ABUNDANCE to you,

Wendy Sue


“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah

To Be Me

Hello my friend!

I’ve recently accepted that I did not come here to “fit in”, and that that is OK.  It’s always easier to try to do so, but I’ve decided that I just have to be me.

Yet, twice this week, I found myself doing the chameleon thing with 2 of my interactions.  In other words, I too easily went into the lowest common denominator mode, without keeping my heart and soul on higher ground. 

The higher ground is one that I work hard to stand and fly on, regardless of the turmoil that surrounds me.  This takes great work and discipline, and now I see, also protection.

My first interaction was with a friend who has a lot of challenges and complaints about a lot of people.  I don’t usually engage with her on this level, yet when I had a challenge with a certain person who was changing my living situation reality, I went right into agreement with her, “That sucks, I can’t believe he’s doing this to you without blah blah blah.”

After I hung up, I could feel the negativity running through my energetic field, aura.  Yuck!  Then I stepped into his shoes, and saw his reality.  He was doing what he could do in a bad situation, and if he could help more, he would most definitely do so.

Internally, I made a shift and forgave myself first, and then him.

My other interaction was a potential babysitter that I was interviewing, and we went into an ego battle about who’s trauma was worse!  Is that sick, or what?!  I’m embarrassed to even admit this to you, but the ego can be dastardly if let loose.  Because she was doing the “I’m superior thing, ’cause look at what I survived.” does not mean that I should have brought out my superior spiritual sword to battle with her.  So silly!

What I really got is that in order to be me, I must remain centered in the Divine, in the All that Is, and even when there are challenges (which are constant), that does not excuse my behavior to join the negative, life sucks and then you die, train.

I truly love my life and my spiritual path of Joy and Abundance. 

So we all have a choice — do we want to participate in the anger, negativity, war of the worlds, or do we wish to remain in love, peace, harmony?

If we make a choice to be truly happy, then it is up to us to stay on the positive path, at least to the best of our ability! 

Life is too beautiful to drink poison, don’t you think?

Love and hugs to you,

Wendy Sue aka Lady Clarity

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah

The Mitzvah of Mensch-hood (or the Blessing of Giving)

Hello and Happy Summer Solstice!

Summer has always been my favorite, with long warm endless days, laughter, ice cream and concerts in the park, etc., etc.

So I thought it would be a great time to open up to the “Mitzvah of Mensch-hood”, or the Blessing of Giving, as we enter this magnificent new season.

For those who are not familiar with the Jewish terms of ‘mitzvah’ and ‘mensch’, please allow me to define for you.

A mitzvah is a very special word to define a blessing, which usually connotates an offering, involving giving / receiving.  The Jewish religion is BIG on charity, on giving, and for those who are blessed to receive, it is a mitzvah.

A mensch is someone who gives freely, with no strings attached.

When you combine a mitzvah with a mensch, well, then we allow for great prosperity and abundance to surround us!

And so my story goes, a new friend who was referred to me by a colleague asked me to help him with online marketing and such.  Instead of going the, “what’s in it for me” route, and asking for $$ or whatever, I decided to graciously offer him assistance from the heart. 

Not only do I have an amazing man and friend for life, but he just stopped by with a brand new video camera (mine had broken and I was considering purchasing one) as a “thank you” gift.


It is the season to share and to care — Happy Summer, my friend!

Hugs to you,

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah

The Auspicious Magical Biblical Number of 40

Dear friend,
As a friend of mine just turned the auspicious year of 40, it has inspired me to share what makes this year so, well, magical!

For example, have you ever noticed how significant the number “40” is in our religious scriptures?   Let’s start with Moses, who after 40 years of wandering in the desert, died within sight of the Promised Land.  Plus, Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days, in two separate occasions.

Remember, in the Book of the Exodus:

(Exo 24:18 KJV) And Moses went into the midst of the cloud, and gat him up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights.

(Exo 34:28-29 KJV) And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.

Let’s go to Jesus, with his 40 days and nights of meditation in the desert.  In Matthew 4:1-2 KJV, it states:

“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. {2} And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.”

And most awesome was Jesus’ return after his crucifixion, which was 40 days after Jesus was last seen on earth.

(Acts 1:3 NIV) “After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.”

And we cannot forget my dear Relative, of which I carry his name ~ Noah, himself!  As it states in the Torah and in the Bible, “It rained for 40 days and 40 nights when God wanted to cleanse the world and start over.”

And then, after the rain stopped, Noah waited another 40 days after it rained before he opened a window in the Ark.

To end this fascinating research project, let me remind us of the Egyptians 40 day period for embalming for the preparation for their loved one to go to the afterlife.

(Gen 50:3 KJV) “And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days.”

NOW, allow me to personalize the most transformative year of my life, which happened to be… (drumroll please), yes, you guessed it.  Age 40!

It was in this year that my ex-husband literally threw me out on the street after a decade of abuse / control, and took our children away from me.  Homeless, childless and penniless in one day – talk about challenges!

Winking smile

It was at this time that I could have dug a hole for myself to crawl in and wither and die (what he was expecting, of course), or to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes and fight for what’s right.  My children.

Our freedom.

Our new life.

And so, with great faith AND with the Divine magic of my 40th year to carry me through, I won full custody of my children, and here we are, in a most magnificent and blessed life!

Please share with me your stories about turning 40, or your experience with this magical number…

Wishing you a 40-like kind of day, year, life!

Love and hugs to you,

Wendy Sue

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah

“In Search of America” article — must read!

Dear Friend,

As Divine flow keeps working in my life, I’ve been blessed to meet an amazing and remarkable woman, Kari Leitz, which is pronounced as “Carry Lights” while taking a hike a month or so ago.

My new friend just published a very controversial article about what really happened at NASA’s last shuttle launch, the Atlantis.  As a reporter, she was standing in close proximity to the actual shuttle at launch time, but something went very wrong, and she returned to CA with brain damage.

If this article touches you, please pass it on, as it offers many questions as to what is next and best here.


Thank you, love you!

Wendy Sue

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah

Inspiration Perspiration Exhileration

I am inspired, and more than anything, I am inspired to share my inspiration.

How did I get this way, you ask?

Good question!

Through blood, sweat, tears, and lots of PERSPIRATION!

Through many bad choices, and even some good choices. 

Really, the whole concept of bad and good is just a judgement on our part.  Even the darkest corner has its wisdom and light. 

So, here I am, single mom of 5.  No blood family anywhere nearby (an East coaster, now in sunny CA).  Since my divorce, I’ve been trying to build up a spiritual community for fun and support, with very mixed results.  Ya know, everyone is real busy doing their busy lives and such. 

As am I.

With all this and more challenges, like we all have, how can I feel so inspired, and be an inspiration to others?

Because I realize the TRUTH that we are all Creators of our own reality.  We choose our lives, really really REALLY!

Everyday, I practice the attributes that I want in my life.

I practice gratitude. Of my breath.  Of my health.  Of my children’s health.  Of the warm sun.  Of the spring flowers.  Of the warm coffee to greet me in the morning.  Etc, etc.

I practice compassion toward myself and others.  We are all human, and we all make mistakes.  So let’s get up and have a better day, a better moment.

I practice service.  What does that mean, exactly?  Well, I ask myself, “how can I serve others today, from the heart”?  In other words, how can I help someone, in some way, for no reason except that it will most definitely return back to me!

It’s like a Karma boomerang, and it is a part of Divine law.  To give and receive from the heart = True Abundance.

Read an article from our beloved Oprah this morning, and she calls these special moments a “God Wink”.  I feel God’s winks all the time!

Do you?!

Try the 3 practices above today, and if it feels good, try it tomorrow.  Soon, it just becomes a lifestyle, and life is GOOD!

Hugs to you,

Wendy Sue / Lady Clarity

“Life is a gift.  Enjoy the ‘present’ with gratitude!”
 –  Wendy Sue Noah


Dear One,

It is with great joy that I inform you that Wendy Sue Noah has been named the first “Goddess of Transformation”

Oh My Goddess is  a community dedicated to spreading joy, connecting hearts and inspiring women to unzip their gifts into the world.

Each month, we will be honoring a woman who is creating change in her own divine way.

And it’s only fitting that we begin this tradition by spotlighting 
the transformational force that is Wendy.

To divine self be true,
Wendi Knox

Execu-Goddess/ Oh My Goddess
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Authority of the Heart


Hello my friend,

Here is an article that I wrote for Sun Magazine‘s Reader’s Write area about 6 months ago, with the topic of “Authority” .  They chose not to publish it, and something recently nudged me to publish it myself , so here it is — enjoy!

My confusion about who I was escalated at age 12, as I was going through puberty, as well as kissing my first boyfriend.  On top of all of that natural confusion, my parents announce that we were moving to New England.  Sounded like another country to me, as I was born and raised in New Jersey, and lived in the same town since I was old enough to say my name!

In Edison, NJ, Heidi and I were the only Jews in our grade, and I experienced Anti-Semitism on subtle and not-so-subtle levels.   I’ll never forget when girls whom I thought were my friends would not let me join their “sisterhood” group because I was Jewish.  Or when I was spit at and called a “dirty Jew” for what seemed like absolutely no reason at all.  Or, even more difficult to understand was why all my friends had Santa come down their chimney to bring them lots of gifts, and how Santa somehow missed our home.  Did our chimney have a Jewish star on it?,” I wondered.

After spending 7 years in the same school, from Kindergarten to 6th grade, we moved to a very nice suburb called Sharon, MA, also known as “little Israel” in the Boston area.  My parents were happy to bring my brother and me to a nice town with “people like us”.  Yet, for me, I no longer felt like I was moving to another country, I landed on another planet!

Not only did I dress differently, talk with a different accent, and like all the wrong sports teams, I was not accustomed to hanging around with Jewish people. 

I realized that I didn’t fit in anywhere, and decided to become an Explorer of life until I found my true home.  Soon after college, I moved to San Francisco with the innate knowledge that I would find myself there.  After several years, I started to feel more lost as to who I truly was, and sought after an Authority figure, a Spiritual Master.

In my quest for such, I met “Ken”, a much older (17 years my senior) and captivating black man, who was on a mission to start his own religion based on spiritual principles, and who informed me that God wanted me to join him.

With blind faith in my new Authority figure, we held a spiritual marriage to serve God.  He told me to leave everything and everyone behind, that that was the only way to truly serve God and not this world.  So I ended all of my relationships, including with my family, and eventually moved to LA, where he lived, to join him in our spiritual journey together.

10 years and 5 babies later, after much abuse and control, he threw me out on the street and took our children to his sister’s house.  He was through with me, as I was starting to wake up and challenge his incontestable authority.  Therefore, Ken no longer needed me and disposed of me like useless compost.

With no friends in LA (“Ken” was sure of that), and my family back East, I opened up my arms and heart to God, praying for help and assistance.  As Divine partners, we found free legal help, and I won full custody of the children, as well as escaped 6-months of homelessness, and a 1-year stint in a gang neighborhood in a roach infested house.

Now, we have a lovely home AND a beautiful life.  Now I know who the True Authority is, the only Authority.