Interview with David Christopher, Author of “The Holy Universe”, a 2014 Nautilus Book Award Winner

David Christopher is an award-winning author and teacher of the “New Story,” a story that integrates the science of the 20th and 21st centuries with a spiritual sensibility toward the creation of the Universe. He became intrigued with this story over 15 years ago. But as he dove deeper into this new worldview, he felt something was missing. He missed the poetry. He missed the lyricism of the liturgy and the scriptures. He wanted more. He wanted a story that also felt like the story given to him in his youth. This led him to write The Holy Universe: A New Story of Creation for the Heart, Soul and Spirit.  I am honored to call David my friend, and The Holy Universe is one of my favorite modern spiritual classics. David is gifted with the ability to express deep complicated subjects—such as the creation of the Universe—in prose and poetry, so that we, the readers, become captivated as a participant, not as the usual third perspective reader. My favorite part is the conversations between the Sage and the Seeker, which allows us to enter into a Divine relationship that is free and clear of judgment and ego. It’s about how to be a part of the ONE, the Web of Life as an extension of what David calls “Planetary Mind.”
OK, enough of an introduction, let’s bring David in to the conversation!
Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and my readers, David!  Please share with us, as a brand new Author, what has it been like for you to publish such a profound New Story of Creation, as well as winning the Nautilus Award and being called ‘a Kahlil Gibran for the 21st century’ in one of your reviews?

It’s been a wonderful affirmation of this work, and I say “this work,” versus “my work,” because it feels like the work somehow came through me. Yes, I am the author, but, saying “my work” would be like not giving credit to whatever mysterious process brought this work through me.

At any rate, it’s nice to have one’s efforts acknowledged, but even more than that is the fact that this story is being acknowledge by outside judges and reviewers, and this acknowledgement supports the real effort, which is about bringing a new story for this time to help us get through the ecological, social justice and spiritual crises that we face. We really do need a new story as to who we are in the Universe, if we are going to survive and thrive through this transformation that we are currently facing.

This recognition is also an affirmation of what I’ve been receiving from readers. I’ve had readers say amazing and wonderful things like, “I really am enjoying the way your narration navigates the ancient and the modern worldview and the story of creation.” It’s truly heartening to know that there are people out there who are hungry for this message and who find this particular take on our Creation Story a useful guide to help them through these crises. Knowing that there are such passionate people out there really helps someone like me keep going in bringing the best I can out to the world.

Congratulations on such a masterpiece, David! From your many speaking engagements and book store signings, can you please share with us what has been the most predominant “AHA” moment for your readers? If it is too challenging to choose only one, then share two.

There are two things that really stand out.

The first one I’m afraid I can’t talk about here, as it would be a “spoiler” of sorts. It’s one of a couple of surprises in the book. However, I do offer a free chapter for download, called “The Gospel of the Universe,” which reveals this little surprise about the Sage, so if you’re readers are interested, they can go to

The second one is how deeply people respond to hearing a Genesis story—that is, a story of humanity’s creation—that is science-based, yet told in a metaphorical and poetic way that really resonates with people’s souls. I find that people who call themselves “spiritual but not religious” often lack a coherent story that goes beyond the scientific facts of the Universe. The new story that came through me captures the same mysterious essence that our ancient scriptures capture, an essence that we need, that poetic and metaphorical essence, because we literally cannot survive on facts alone. And when I say literally, I mean literally: the fact that we do not have a collective coherent story that is harmonious with the ways of the Web of Life has led us to the brink of ecological and social collapse.

You say this book is geared for the “spiritual but not religious” folks. Yet, one of the things I enjoy so much about your book is the neutrality of it, the flow of Unity as the web of life. So have you been surprised to find so-called religious people enjoying The Holy Universe?

The main “religious” folks who have been interested in this book have been from the so-called “new thought” churches, such as Unitarian Universalists and Unity churches, some United Church of Christ congregations, the Centers for Spiritual Living, as well as liberal Catholic Sisters. Thomas Berry, by the way, was a Catholic priest whose work I drew heavily on as well as other theologians, scientists and thinkers. There are also a lot of Catholic sisters who are very interested in the new story, and who have expressed their enthusiasm for my book.

As far as more mainstream religious folks go, I was very surprised at one point when I was presenting to a college anthropology class, and one of the students raised her hand and said, “I became a Christian last fall.” My immediate response was, “Uh oh. Here it comes.” But then she said something like, “I found this book very useful to help me understand how God used Evolution to create the world.” I certainly didn’t expect that response.

There’s a related surprise to this question. One of the lessons I learned is that environmental and social justice activists, to a large degree, have tended to shun any kind of religious references, or anything that smacks of spirituality. This doesn’t pertain to all activists, of course, but there does indeed tend to be an aversion to things spiritual in activists communities.

What I’ve found is that this book is really resonant with “spiritual but not religious” people who also have some sort of activist bent, whether it is ecological or social justice realms. I sometimes joke and say to people, “This book is for spiritual but not religious folks who also compost” – or who work in restorative justice programs, or the many ecological and social justice efforts that are out there. This book is for people who are hungry for that cosmic story but who also want to bring that story down to Earth in their work, in what the Sage in this book calls, “The Great Transformation.”

If I may quote you, David:

“That all creatures of the Web of Life

Shall be bound to one another,

Each depending upon others

For the creation of sustenance.”

This theme of unity, of collaboration, of One-ness, is so vital at this unprecedented time of mass chaos and tragedies. As you write this so eloquently, do you also believe it to be true, or is it more of a hope?


It is a fact of the web of life. All creatures are indeed deeply interdependent on one another. Our Modern Mind—which is a term that the Sage uses—has been ignoring this, and while it has taken a few thousand years for us to feel the result of this worldview, we are now able to clearly see the consequences of what happens when you go against the lessons of the Web of Life.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t competition within this interdependence; that doesn’t mean that there isn’t suffering. But deeply embedded in the Web of Life is a deep sense of cooperation, a deep sense of give and take. When a lion is hunting a gazelle, she doesn’t take the entire herd. She only takes what she needs.

As a contrast, Modern Mind looks at the lions, herds of gazelles, oceans, mountains, forests, prairies—all the bounty of the Web of Life, and then objectifies them by calling them “resources,” which means they only have worth if they are immediately useful to human beings. Otherwise we call them things like wastelands or pests. We don’t realize how all creatures are vital parts of the Web of Life.

A big part of your IMMENSE vision is to bring people together through The Holy Universe, so that there is community support and activism as a result of resonating with the Planetary Mind. Please share with our readers how they can participate in one of these book clubs or through social media?

I offer a “call-in book club” for The Holy Universe every six weeks or so, and it’s a chance for our readers to converse and dialogue with me and one another. We dive deeper into the writings and ideas in the book, dialogue about them amongst one another, and have a chance to ask questions that participants have about the book.

Our next call is scheduled for January 14th, 2015. Readers who are interested can learn more about signing up at my website at

I have communities on Facebook and Twitter, where you can keep up with me, as well as enjoy excerpts and quotes from the book. And I’m available for speaking engagements at churches and living room readings; people can also visit my website to find out more about that.

david, leonora and me

I also have some appearances happening in the Spring. I’ll be doing a reading on Friday, March 13, 2015 for the “Live My Best Life” Speaker Series at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City down in the Los Angeles area, and I’ll also be doing a longer workshop at the Sophia Center at Holy Names College in Oakland in April. I have other events in the works, so if your readers are interested, they can sign up for notifications about them through my website.

When I get the time, I also would love to start offering longer call-in seminars for people who want to dive deeper into how this evolutionary story means to you as you make your way through the Great Transformation.

Thank you so much for your time, David. It’s truly been an honor. In conclusion, what would you like to people come away with after reading your book or participating in one of your programs?

The main thing I want people to know, whether they read my book or hear me speak, is to remember what we as Modern Mind have forgotten, and that is this: we belong here. I belong here. You belong here. Anyone reading this blog belongs here on Earth. You are not fallen, like some religious stories have told us. You are not flawed like more modern stories have told us. Yes, you may have issues and wounds, but fundamentally there is nothing wrong with you. You are an expression of the cosmic creative drive of the Infinite. The Universe took 13.8 billion years to create you, and I mean that literally. In one sense, it’s fantastic and wonderful, in another sense it is scientific truth: You belong here.

You also have a responsibility. We are learning that there are deep, sometimes irreversible consequences to our actions. Yes, each of us belongs here, but we also have a responsibility to Earth, to humanity, and it is vital that you take responsibility in finding out what your work is in the world, to discover that unique contribution you have to make that engages your passion in a way that is of deep service to addressing the crises of our time.

If you want to read The Holy Universe or gift this amazing book to a friend for the Holidays, just click here:

David loves to support local bookstores (they can order the book if it’s not in stock), or you can buy the book directly through The Holy Universe website or, of course, you can always order it through Amazon.

pic of me with Holy Universe

web of life owes life to none


4 Tips On How To Live Longer With Peace Of Mind & Heart

hanging on love


My favorite part of social media is the fact that we, the people, own it.  With other mass mediums, we were the “con”sumer, sitting back and taking in whatever the media powerhouses had for us.  Today, we are the “pro”sumers, and we can create our own media to share, as well as develop relationships with like-minded people with no geographic limitation.  It is exciting times, indeed.

What holds true for our face-to-face relationships, also holds true in social media.  And so I offer these tips to you for both, but mostly, for you to truly enjoy your life and live longer, healthier, more prosperously.

TIP #1:  Feel genuine happiness for someone who has accomplished something noteworthy. 

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Of course, why not, right?

Here’s a perfect quote to help me make my point here:

Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self-worth.  Each of us has something to give that no one else has.  ~Elizabeth O’Connor

Let me share a recent story with you.  I’m shopping at a local store, and run into a neighborhood friend, let’s call her Susan.  Now Susan met me when I was escaping homelessness with my kids, and I had sent my son to her lovely home day care center for a year.

We hug one another, as always, and she asks me what’s been going on.  Since I had finally published my inspirational memoir eBook, I excitedly share with her this news.  Susan’s mouth dropped, and she straight out exclaims, “Oh my, Wendy.  I can’t believe you published a book while running your own business and raising 5 kids.  I really feel bad now.”

That was NOT the response I had expected, but at least she was honest.  Susan has a lot to be grateful for, as she is working full-time on her home business, raising her two sons and cultivating her relationship with her husband of 20 years.  My point is, that we all have our gifts, we all have our calling, and we all have our accomplishments.

Why then, should my success make her feel bad?  Do you ever experience this type of envy, as well?  If so, then drop it!  Bless the person who is doing notable things, and focus on all the praiseworthy things you are doing, or planning to do!

TIP #2:  Look at bad mistakes made as learning experiences for growth and transformation.

Thank God we are not perfect!  I read a great tweet recently how our imperfections allow us to learn and grow, become better people.  If we were all perfect, then what would be the point?!

Since we can all agree that we are not perfect, then we can all agree that imperfection leads to making errors.  We make mistakes.  Sometimes we can band aid it up for a minute, sometimes we can’t.  Sometimes our choices lead to great challenges.  But the greater the challenge, the more opportunity to grow stronger, more resilient.

OR, we can do what most of us choose to do, and feel REGRET.  What’s the point of that?  Don’t we have enough problems than to add regret to the mix?!

My cousin who read a synopsis of my eBook memoir asked me if I had regret, and if I could go back in time, would I do things differently?  A lot of people live in this mindset of wishing they could join Cher with her song, “If I could turn back time”…

First of all, we can’t.  And even if there was a time machine to do so, would you want to?  I would most definitely not.  As the mistakes I made led me to be the ‘me’ that I am today.  And I’ve made some MAJOR mistakes!

For just today, or for this week, look at your past as tremendous learning’s and if you feel regret, take that debilitating emotion and transform it to how you can now do better in the future.  Then soar forward, my friend!

TIP #3:  Look at your glass as always half full and remain receptive for more blessings.

“My Cup Runneth Over” and it really does, have you noticed?  Just take a minute to think of the blessings all around you.  Start with your health.  If you are reading this, then you are alive, you are breathing.  How about family and friends?  How about a roof over your head, a car to drive in, a delicious dinner to look forward to…

Yet we live in this lack mentality, that our glass is always half empty, and nothing fills us up.  And nothing ever will if we focus on lack instead of the plenty.  We are so blessed beyond measure.  It’s when we feel gratitude for all that we do have, that we will see how our cup is truly runneth over and over again.  Get those paper towels, your cup is spilling!  😉

Try this today, or for the full week.  See abundance, not lack.  And then share it!

TIP #4: Give from the heart just because, without the requirement to receive something back in return.

Again, this sounds so much simpler than it really is to do.  This is not because we are selfish people or that we don’t like to give to others.  No, not at all.  It’s mostly because we are in a culture that lives by this tit for tat mentality. I catch myself doing it, now that I practice mindfulness around this topic.

Imagine this as another Golden Rule ~ it’s as prevalent as gravity.  When you drop a book, it falls.  When you give from the heart, you open yourself up for blessings.  It may not be from the same person you gave to, most likely, it won’t be.  But it will come to you, just surrender any expectations and be aware when it arrives in your lap.

This personal example is funny to me, because it actually makes dollars and sense!  I received an extra $20 bill from a supermarket when I requested for cash back.  As a single mom in tight financial quarters, I almost took it.  But that is not my path, and I know it is not mine.  So I returned it to the stunned cashier and went about my day.

Within the same week, I received a check in the mail from the state of CA for $21!  It was out of the blue, and I still don’t know why it was sent to me.  Check it out, I earned $1 interest, not bad!  My other stories are not so methodical, but I know without doubt, when we give from the heart, the blessings will pour in…

I even started a Facebook group called “The Blessing Exchange” to share our blessings with one another.  Come on by and share and care!

So grateful to you, for your time and friendship.  Please feel free to comment below on your impressions here.

Big hugs to you,

Wendy Sue

Obscene Green Transforms Into Queen Green


Huh?  What does that even mean?  Talk about an obscure title, right?

This blog started brewing for me last month, as I was taking my Spiritual Mother, Leonora, out to celebrate her 82nd birthday.  Perfect day out on the patio, with the hummingbirds greeting us, and the butterflies flashing by.  As we were doing our usual in-depth catch up session, she remarked on how pretty I looked in my green dress.  I thanked her kindly, and went on to show her my matching green purse.  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks ~ I grew up hating the color green and refused to wear it until I was close to 20 years old.  How could that be?

So my story goes like this.  In my Elementary School, there was a boy we all called Jack ‘Boogerman’, because he was always picking his nose.  Whenever anyone saw something green, they would scream out loud, and exclaim that Jack Boogerman left some of his snot there.  So green became associated with gross boogers at an early age.

And like so many of us, the things that we are taught or influenced by as a child remains with us, even if it makes absolutely no sense, like the repulsion I had for the color green.

Fast forward to college.  I am studying in England, doing the Junior Year Abroad program.  My best friend, Ange de Lumiere, an exchange student from Paris, bought me a gorgeous green wool cardigan for my birthday.  And I balked, right in front of her, after profusely apologizing for not being able to accept her gift, ‘cause I don’t do green.

She was shocked!  Not because of my reaction to her hand-picked gift, as much as my refusal to include the abundant color of green into my life and into my wardrobe.  “But, Wendy, you are a red-head!  Green is a brilliant color for red hair.  You’ve got to try it, please………”, she pleaded with me.  Since our friendship was so dear to me, I caved in and put on the warm green cardigan.  After looking in the mirror, I was totally blown away by how radiant the color green was on me!

I will be forever grateful to Ange for paving the green way for me.  Green is a color of royalty, as Mother Nature herself has infiltrated her grass, her trees, her plants with green, green, green.  And guess what?  I am a tree hugger, a nature lover.  Green is also the color of money, and hey!, I love money!  Let’s not also forget, green is an impeccable complement to a red-headed vibrant woman, such as myself.

As I share this story, I hope you take a moment to look at your own life.  Maybe you didn’t have a dear friend like Ange to hit you over the head with something that was blocking you from something GREAT!  Just take a moment now.  What in your life were you told as a child (or even as an adult), that you know does not really make sense any more, but feels safer to hold on to anyway?

We are here for a short time to enjoy our lives, and make the most of this gift called LIFE.  So if there is something inhibiting such, why not let it go and see what’s behind door #2 or #3?  I am always amazed about how many doors fly open when I release the old and open up to the new.

I welcome you to share your “green” story right here in the comments below.   Thank you for hearing my story.

Big hugs to you,

Wendy Sue

Awe-Inspiring Interview with Pranic Breatharians, Camila & Akahi

My client, Peter-Arthur Straubinger, is the director of a documentary film called, “In The Beginning There Was Light”, which debates the phenomenon of breatharianism, or “living on light”, which comprises of human beings who can allegedly survive without food and fluid, over weeks, years and even decades!  We are celebrating the new English version release DVD in Peter’s voice, with Spanish subtitles available today, just click here and open your mind!

light DVD

One of my favorite parts of the film is its bipartisan nature, as the film educates the viewer of what may be possible outside of our scientific understanding, yet it never tries to convince or push us to believe in breatharianism, or anything at all. It is an expose’ documentary, and personally, it has opened up my mind and intrigue to new levels.

In this context then, I’d like to introduce two well-known breatharians and extraordinary individuals, Camila and Akahi, who feed their body and soul with PRANA through their breath, freeing themselves from the condition of their mind, and reaching a Divine place of pure potential.

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and to openly discuss your breatharian lifestyle with our readers.

Let me start with you, Camila, who is pregnant with her second child and who has already delivered a healthy baby while living a breatharian lifestyle, surprising all the doctors.

Hello Camila! Such a joy to meet you. Please share with us briefly about how your first pregnancy went as a breatharian, and a bit about your second pregnancy now. How is that going?

Great, I will, thank you.

During my first pregnancy I, continued drinking only fruit juices and herbal teas. I didn’t feel the need or desire to eat solid foods and during the entire nine months, I only ate 5 times, all of which were in social situations where the experience catered to a beautiful exploration of the flavors.

My blood tests during all three trimesters were impeccable, showing balance and purity. Iron levels remained stable and at the average level for even women who are not pregnant, never presenting signs of anemia or sugar imbalances and regular pregnancy check-ups with the midwife and OBGYN confirmed the above average growth of a very healthy baby boy.

And it has continued like this, as even now, I do enjoy the flavors of juices and occasionally food if I feel the desire to do so. Like we mentioned before, this is about freedom, not limiting ourselves.

That is totally AMAZING! Some people think if you have some juice or a few meals here and there, then that means that you are not a true “breatharian”. Yet, as we know, things are not always black and white, and I truly appreciate your description of the ‘beautiful exploration of the flavors’, of enjoying your few meals a year because food is a pleasure!

Absolutely, that is so true.

To return to your question about my current pregnancy, it has been different from our first because each being comes with unique gifts and lessons for us as parents, so there are specific things that we are learning through this particular pregnancy, whereas during our first the lessons and insights were others.

From the very beginning there was a strong female presence, which brought me even deeper into my own femininity. With our son, he brought a very balanced energy.

Physically, there have been different sensations this time, feeling symptoms of pregnancy which are “common”, whereas with our son the experience was very asymptomatic. I feel this is due to different factors, but mostly to the fact that we are two women, sharing the same body and creating the same hormones, which amplifies certain sensations.

Is your son looking forward to the arrival of his sister?

Oh yes! This pregnancy is particularly special because we are sharing it with our beautiful son, who is so joyful to be a big brother, so loving and caring towards me and this precious life growing within. His presence brings such wisdom and the relationship between these siblings is so clearly established, like that they already know each other and are reencountering now in this family that is expanding in love.

Our capacity to experience the love and this unique sensation is infinitely expanding, really feeling an ecstatic sensation between us all….there is no limit to the amount of love we are able to experience and radiate, which within the family is a beautiful blessing.

Yes, it is a divine blessing to have unlimited love within the family. I am so grateful to you both for sharing the light, the breath, and the wisdom with me & our readers.

**News Update** I just got word that Camila recently gave birth to their second child, Anaya. Here is a picture of Camila with her children:


Let me now ask you, Akahi, what is your definition of “breatharian”?

The term breatharian is through us being redefined, as so many possibilities have expressed themselves through us in this time, showing us that the Pranic Consciousness is truly the state of infinite possibilities, in which there exist no limitations, only possibilities and opportunities.

Breatharianism has always been used as a word to describe a “food free lifestyle”, and the Pranic Consciousness undoubtedly gives us the opportunity to remember this within ourselves, among other infinite possibilities.

How fascinating, to go beyond a ‘food free lifestyle’ to a Pranic Consciousness! Will you please define what you mean by Pranic Consciousness, then?

The Pranic Consciousness, which is the exploration of the Prana – Life Source, Chi, God Presence, and its manifestations in and all around us, opens us to a Space of Infinite Possibilities, in which the non-necessity is a natural side effect among so many other possibilities to explore.

When you say ‘non-necessity, you are referring to food, right? Wow, that is definitely a paradigm shift!

Yes, it is. It is a freeing of self from the conditioning of the mind.

Through our own process of exploration, we have experienced many different steps along the way. In the beginning the Breatharian state was what brought us to this broader understanding of limitlessness. As we began to explore this state of non-necessity, distinct insights revealed that there were deep manifestations of a higher intelligence communicating through us, in many ways.

This led us to explore the Breath and its presence within our lives, showing us that we could easily be without food, whereas within the air exists something special that doesn’t allow the physical body to be without its presence for very long.

This is a fascinating awareness, as all humans have access to air, whether they are rich or poor. It’s like an equalizer of sorts.

Yes, it is true! All of this occurred as a result of the synchronization with the Conscious Breath and Universal Intelligence that is naturally accessible for all beings.

Along with this understanding, new capacities were explored, like the ability to attract sensations and information through the air, such as emotional states of peace and joy, as well as a sense of satisfaction within all aspects of life.

These sensations stabilized into permanent states of being, self-sustaining breath by breath, and through this recalibration into our true nature we witnessed rejuvenation on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Let’s break this down for our readers, Akahi. Please explain what you mean by a rejuvenation on all of these levels?

Sure. Physically, we are exploring a state of perfect health. For Camila, this includes a balancing of the reproductive system and healing of menstrual pain, and all of this resulting in physical immortality.

On a mental level, we are rewriting our cellular information, such as memory reprogramming, which emotionally creates perfect balance to receive and respond to life in an easy and harmonious way, understanding and assimilating the life experiences.

The physical body and soul also respond to this new information by expressing their best states. Through this video link, you can explore a practical tool to utilize the conscious breath for your overall wellbeing:

Thank you for this video link, Akahi, and your remarkable work. I will definitely check it out!

Since you’ve expanded the definition of breatharianism, how would you define it now, with your understanding and experience?

It’s a process toward reaching the Pranic Consciousness ~ breathing into oneness. Breatharianism is infinite, and there is so much to be said for living from this state. It brings about different levels of understanding for each being, revealing to us our talents, our strengths, our uniqueness, synchronizing us with this Intelligence that experience by experience grounds us deeper into our center.

Life is infinite, and there is so much to continue exploring.

It is also the awareness that there is a lot of time, and that we are exactly where we need to be, experiencing with the exact wisdom that we should have in this moment to continue learning and integrating new states of being.

No need for time management here! Sounds like a magnificent way to truly go with the flow…

Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and amazing experience with us. Truly captivating!

Before we close, please share with our readers your POV on Peter’s Film, “In The Beginning There Was Light“:

light movie poster

“The Light documentary is an eye opening film showing the possibilities of our human potential. It shows us the diverse ways people are exploring their capacities and inspiring those around them to do the same. The film inspires consciousness and a desire to think and act outside the box, revealing to us new opportunities to be the best of ourselves” ~ Camila Castillo

“A remarkable film that reveals to us the the magnificent and extraordinary human potential and the infinite possibilities we can access.” ~ Akahi

For more information about this extraordinary couple and their Pranic Breatharianism Consciousness work, please visit their site at:


Interview with Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES (IONS)


I am honored and pleased to introduce Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist at the INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES (IONS).  Are you familiar with Dean and his astonishing work?

If not, here’s a little more information on this brilliant man. Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He is author or co-author of over 200 technical and popular articles, a dozen book chapters, and three books including the award-winning The Conscious Universe (HarperOne, 1997), Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006), and the recent 2014 Silver Nautilus Book Award winner, SUPERNORMAL (Random House, 2013).

Another fascinating fact about Dean ~ he was born on February 29th, a Leap Year baby!

Welcome Dean Radin!  It is a great honor to be with you here today, and for you to be kind enough to speak to us about your impressions of “In The Beginning There Was Light” documentary about breatharianism or “living on light”, which deals with human beings who allegedly can survive without food and fluid, over weeks, years and even decades, directed by Peter-Arthur Straubinger.

First I would like to congratulate you on your newest book, “Supernormal”, with a forward by Deepak Chopra!  In your book, you find evidence and validity for the claims of mysticism, miracles and the supernatural.  With this in mind, what context would you place breatharianism in?  In other words, would you say it is mystical, miraculous, supernatural, supernormal or a hoax?

I’m pleased to say that Supernormal just won a 2014 Silver Nautilus Book Award. This will be posted on the Nautilus website on or about May 1.

I would place breatharianism into the category of marvelous or supernormal. That means natural but extraordinary, as opposed to miraculous or supernatural, which imply a divine origin. Some of the claims of breatharianism are almost certainly hoaxes or involve delusion. But if it is a genuine phenomenon, then it would significantly challenge most of what we know about nutrition, which is good reason to be very cautious, but it’s also a good reason to study it rigorously.

Congratulations, Dean!  That is fantastic news about “Supernormal”!

You and Peter share a great passion in common ~ both of you are looking to open up the minds of the masses, so that there will be an understanding that there is MUCH more to our world, and our conscious existence, than science can prove. In your fascinating book, “The Conscious Universe”, which has recently been published in Chinese (another HUGE Congrats there!), you describe two stages of belief when it comes to the acceptance of new ideas. You state that In Stage 1, skeptics confidently proclaim that the idea is impossible because it violates the Laws of Science. In Stage 2, skeptics reluctantly concede that the idea is possible, but it is not very interesting and the claimed effects are extremely weak. 

With that analogy, Dean, do you believe that viewers of “In The Beginning, There Was Light” have the potential to possibly catapult from Stage 1 to the Stage 2 category (or beyond), that by watching this non-partisan well-researched film, many may be open to the reality that a human body can live on light or prana alone?!

Sure.  There are still many unknowns when it comes to these strange phenomena, but we must first be open to the possibility that they are real before we being to study them. Otherwise the results of an investigation would be a foregone conclusion.

While skepticism is an important attitude to maintain when studying the unknown, it must be balanced by an equal amount of openness. Peter’s film is a great way to introduce a topic that many may regard as impossible. But for those with imagination and a willingness to challenge their prior beliefs, it may also stimulate serious investigation.  And I’m all in favor of that.

Yes you are, Dean!  And we love you for that.

I am most fascinated by your new Collective Consciousness app, especially how it has the ability to focus on an individual consciousness level (Me Screen), and a global consciousness level (Collective Screen), very impressive! Will this app help transition those Stage 1 people to move into Stage 2, with technical proof in their hands, or is this app designed for those already in Stage 2 and beyond?

This app is being developed by Adam Curry.

I am involved in helping to get it funded, and I may also assist in some of the data analysis on large-scale events.  It is designed as a tool that anyone can use — skeptics and non-skeptics alike.

Thanks again for your time and sharing with us.  We greatly appreciate you and all you do, Dean!

And to conclude our interview here, please find Dean’s review of “In The Beginning There Was Light” film:

“Thriving without eating? Living on no food at all? It sounds ridiculous. It flies in the face of everything we know about nutrition and biochemistry. Nevertheless, there are intriguing historical cases and people today who still claim it is possible. “Light” is a pioneering and provocative film on the controversial claims of ‘breatharians.” Recommended for anyone interested in the far reaches of human potential, this film will inspire some, perplex others, and infuriate the rest — but you will not be bored.”

And that is an understatement!  Check out the film for yourself, and post here what you think!  We would really appreciate your impressions…

5 Tips On How To Be A Decent Citizen In The SM World



What amazing times we live in today!

We have such a Divine opportunity to reach out, to meet, to greet people from all over the planet.  No geographical boundaries here!  Yes, we are in remarkable times indeed.

However, unlike any mass medium we have today, we the people are actually an active part of this growing space.  Unlike before, with film, radio, TV, where we would sit back and “CON”sume the media that was given to us, now we are “PRO”sumers, and making the SMW (Social Media World) what we want it to be!

We are in the driver’s seat here, my friend!

Since social media has become a global digital community, we must remember first and foremost the Golden Rule that applies to all people that we are in relation with.  With this in your heart, the rest will be so much easier:

“One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.”

TIP #1 ~ Give thanks & gratitude generously, to anyone who you inspires you, to anyone whose posts you share, to anyone who you feel grateful for.  Period!  Share the gratitude, there’s always more to go around, and it will definitely come your way.  Promise!

It will truly benefit you to give credit where credit is due, instead of stealing someone’s worth for your own.  Anyone can copy and paste, and in school, they call that plagiarism.  It’s really no different here.

A Twitter example for you.  I posted a fabulous business success quote from a business leader, and I found the exact quote, copy and pasted into one of my follower’s tweets!  Maybe he didn’t know any better, or maybe he did, but on Twitter, retweets are one of the greatest WOM (Word of Mouth) gifts of gratitude that you can give to someone.  So instead of taking it as his own, he should have done a “RT @WendySueNoah – amazing quote here”.  This would have given him the same content AND would have appropriately thanked me for using one of my tweets.

And now to practice what I preach here, I’d like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this blog and for your interest in being a good SM citizen!

TIP #2 ~ Offer value to others.  In other words, instead of the very outdated 80’s ME generation WIIFM (What’s In It For Me), try the conscientious compassionate WIIFY (What’s In It For YOU).  Again, interact this way and see how others engage you in the same way!

Whether you call it karma or “what goes around comes around”, it really works like this.

On Twitter, my profile text starts off with, “How can I serve YOU?”  This may sound a little strange to many, maybe even come off as a way to push my services.  Yet, I really mean it.  Like here I am, to serve you.  How can I do so?  Let me know.

When I come from that place, then my clients know, without question, that I am on their side, first and foremost.  And new clients get my sincerity to serve them from a heart space, not a “pay my rent” space.

Recently, I received a tweet from a new follower that was so sincere, in which she actually visited my website to find out who I am beyond my Twitter profile, that I met her for lunch and have found a forever friend, possible future collaborator.

The power of love extends through our hearts, whether it is in the RW (Real World) or in the SMW (Social Media World) .

TIP #3 ~ Share accolades, complements & congrats! frequently, with smile icons to boot!  I actually prefer hearts, which is why it is a part of my logo, as seen above.  Why not liven up boring text?! 😉

Let’s take this tip to the RW.  When someone smiles at you, isn’t that an immediate lift of mood?  Even better, when someone compliments you, doesn’t that make you feel great inside?!

I’m not talking about insincerity here.  If you do not have something nice to say, or feel a smile in your heart, don’t fake it.  Fake comes through in the RW the same as in SMW.

However, if one of your social media friends posts something that they are proud of, like publishing a new book or blog, or receiving a promotion or losing 10 pounds or whatever, well, take a moment and send a “congrats!” message.

This can be as easy as clicking “like” on Facebook, or clicking “favorite” on Twitter, which will bookmark it for you as a reminder to respond, when you have the time to do so.

On a personal level, I find it hard to understand why it seems so difficult for people to share in the abundance of someone’s good news.  I wonder, is it because they are jealous, or just too caught up with their own stuff?

Here’s a quote I tweeted a few days ago, and it was retweeted several times, so it hit a chord.  Maybe this may provide some perspective here:

“Comparison is the thief of joy” ~ Dwight Edwards #BeYourself

TIP #4 ~ Respond when someone speaks to you!  Even if you are too busy to respond at the moment (one of the benefits of social media), or maybe you aren’t sure HOW to respond, make a mental or physical note to return later and… RESPOND!

When someone takes the time to engage with you, engage back.  Same as in the RW, right?

And remember, it is OK to agree to disagree.  Actually, through the SMW, people’s opinions and feelings are more transparent.  You can have coffee with a friend for years, talking about your lives, but did you know that they support gay marriage, for example?

They didn’t change, they are still the same person you like, right?  It’s OK for us to have different views, that’s what makes the world go round.  Actually, I see this as a HUGE benefit to the SMW, because it allows us to get out of our narrow life in order to expand our horizons and to open up to other races, cultures, religions, beliefs, etc., etc.!!  Believe me, that is a good thing. 🙂

So, instead of unfriending a friend on Facebook because you do not agree with their politics or religious beliefs, you can practice tolerance for another’s beliefs.  You would want that same respect ~ Golden Rule here!

For me, I follow some conservative right wingers on Twitter, so to get their perspective on things, since I am a love, peace and harmony left winger.  Helps me to learn more, open up my understanding more.

TIP #5 ~ Think & breathe before you type AND post! 

If you are in a bad mood, or feeling angry toward someone or something, take a walk.  Do yoga.  Meditate.  Hit a pillow.  Do NOT post!

Same goes for if you are feeling extra expressive due to some alcoholic persuasion, do not post!  I would even recommend removing your keyboard so that you do not get tempted.

It’s much easier to release frustration or rage behind a computer, which is why we must be extra careful here.

Once we post, it’s on the Internet forever.  We can’t take it away.  We can delete it later, but those who’ve already read it, well, they read it.

Bottom line.  Treat others with the same dignity and respect that you’d like to be treated with, and see how we can create a SMW with love, peace and harmony.

Yes, I do believe it can be so.  ‘Cause it is what we all really want for ourselves, therefore, we want it for each other.

Now let’s go out there and be that Outstanding Global Social Media Citizen!

Let’s bring in Peace on Social Media Earth <3



Social Mediums comparable to Social Gatherings

partyI read this tweet a few months back, and it really hit home for me. It went something like this:

“Facebook is like having friends over in your living room. LinkedIn is like going to a Chamber of Commerce networking event. Twitter is like going to a loud party or bar.”

Yes! That is truly a realistic way to look at three of the top social mediums. If we are able to translate our real social life to our virtual social life, I believe it will help us navigate what can seem, to many, as overwhelming. The truth is, the Internet has provided us with the boundless phenomenon of connecting like-minded people on a global scale, with no geographical boundaries. Now is that astounding, or what?!

And just like in the real world, no one likes to get pushed, shoved or yelled at! I know this sounds obvious, but yet, so many are entering the social media world and doing just that.

If someone compliments you, you say, “thank you”, right? Same in the social media world! If someone retweets you, then take a moment to say, “thank you”. If someone shares one of your posts on Facebook, then give them some gratitude. Maybe even return the favor, why not? Most likely, if your tweet or post was shared, then you share something in common with this person.

Another point to consider is how you approach these different gatherings. For example, if you are attending a Chamber of Commerce networking event, you may not take off your shoes, kick back and share intimate details of your family life. Or if you are hanging out in a friend’s living room, you may want to expand upon a topic that is important to you, instead of condensing it into 140 characters! LOL

Same thing in the social media world. With tools like Hoot Suite, many people are copying and pasting the same text to be posted in several social mediums. This is the quick and easy route, but it also has the look and feel of a mass produced message instead of consciously offering something distinctive to that particular community.

Even if the message is the same, it would be well worth that diligent effort to tailor it. For example, you may place a strategic hashtag on a power phrase / word on Twitter, and you may provide more details on Facebook, for example.

It definitely takes more time and more of a conscientious effort, but for me, it is totally worth it! Social media is all about relationship building, and less like ad blasting. Relationship focused marketing = social media.

One of my favorite comparisons of the old marketing paradigm, compared to the new social media paradigm is this:

Before the Internet, we were 110% “CON”sumers. We would sit back and consume the media that was fed to us. Now, with Social Media, we are “PRO”sumers, as we have the ability to interact, to share our own ideas, and be pro-active!

Want to hear more about “Social Media with a Conscience” ~ email me at: email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog and visit my new website!

20 Year Anniversary in Hotel California!

Dear Friend,

golden_gateTalk about bravery, or craziness ~ still not sure which, maybe it’s a combination of the two. In any case, 20 years ago today, on January 15th, 1994, I took a 1-way flight from Boston to San Francisco, to start my new life.

Let me be a bit more specific here. I lived on the East coast my whole life, and had a very challenging time with the unbearably cold winters and the suffocating conservative mentality.

Through out high school, I knew that CA was my calling card, and talked about it regularly to friends and family. They laughed it off as California dreaming.

Until I finally figured out how to make the move through a company that I was working for, in which I exceeded my sales quote two years in a row with incentive trips to Cancun and Hawaii. They have offices in every major city, and upon my request, transferred me to their San Jose office.

20 years ago, when I said goodbye to all my friends and family, there was little, if any, support for me. What I received was a lot of Jewish guilt, and friends who turned away.

When I arrived in San Francisco, the sun was setting, and I was emersed in orange, red and purple clouds upon landing here. I did not yet have 1 friend in CA, but I knew that I was truly home.

After 6 years in the Bay Area, which included launching Match.Com in a San Francisco basement and celebrating my 30th X-mas Eve birthday with over 40 amazing friends (which never happened before, due to being born at a very busy family holiday time), to now living in LA LA land & being so very blessed with a tribe of 5 and with 80 degree temperatures in January!

My celebration is about leaping into the unknown, and allowing the blessings, as well as the challenges, to come in stride and with pride!

What is your most adventurous leap of faith?

Thank you for joining me in the celebration of life!

Hugs to you,

Wendy Sue